Gordon's Valentine's Day present to me. The didis were very impressed!

Sweet Sabita

Amrit, Pooja, Maya and Sarita enjoying a Saturday afternoon.

Suraj, all smiles even though he's missing a few teeth.

We now teach English 2 days a week at the children's school. I teach UKG through 3 and Gordon teaches 4 through 7. Every morning, the children warm up with songs and stretches...adorable.

Gordon rocks Bishal to sleep. Bishal is all action, all the time so this was an unusual sight.

A rare moment, Sandeep sleeps in my arms.

Mamanta and Manju are having a great day off from school.

I couldn't resist...Sandeep falls asleep on the toilet. He hates to miss the action when the kids are home so he takes this opportunity for a quick cat nap.

Those were some great photos! The the little guy sleeping sitting up on the toilet is priceless!
Sliggity Slatt Tat Tat Tat
The picks are so cute . . . love your bindi, KC. Oh also, when are you all heading to India. I need to buy my ticket.
love you and miss you tons,
That picture of the Colonel is classic! Sandeep at his finest. We'll have to remember these for his wedding day.
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