- sold all material belongings except clothes and pictures
- moved from Boston to St. Louis
- celebrated Christmas (twice), New Years and KC's birthday
- made 7 trips to R.E.I.
- packed, unpacked and repacked our bags for Nepal
I think we are ready to go. We depart Saturday at 12:30 PM Central for Washington D.C. After a 6 1/2 hour layover, it is off to Doha, Quatar. An 8 hour layover plus 6 hour flight, puts us into Katmandu around 12:30 PM two days later. We will still have a short flight to Pokhara.
We will be spending two nights in a hotel to acclimate ourselves. The night will be day and day will be night. Two days of rest should prepare us for moving into the orphanage, hopefully.
We hope everyone had a great holiday and festive new year. We enjoyed spending as much time as possible with family and friends over the last two weeks. It was great to see everyone, your support is genuinely appreciated.
Glad to hear all is well. Please be safe and enjoy your adventure.
Good luck. Gabriel
Thanks Gabriel. I am still learning the settings on the blog, it was previously set up so only Gmail users could leave comments.
Talk to you soon, Gordon
Just wanted to say bon voyage! I am really really excited about your trip-- very impressed that you guys are taking such a leap of faith. You won't regret it.
Looking forward to visiting in the spring...
That picture of Sandeep is amazing, I look at that when I need a good laugh. Was he that happy after trying your mutton?
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