Al and Danny's magnificent new abode showcases hard wood floors, exposed brick, classic colors and 19th century bird prints from the National Gallery (my favorite).
The weekend activities included 'George Bush' Chinese (best Peking Duck and Suffering Bastards in Virginia), Eastern Market, the National Gallery, Museum of Natural History, monstrous egg rolls, Kinne stories, Murphy Family get together, birthday celebrations and a hike in Great Falls National Park.

The best surprise of the weekend was a Monday brunch with Curtis, Judy and Travis Moore. As we exchanged stories about traveling the globe, Curtis and Judy discussed their upcoming books. The conversation moved to KC and my upcoming commitment to Sam's House and we talked about the One Laptop Per Child Program. Curtis and Judy said they would like to contribute to Sam's House by purchasing KC and me one of the MIT professors creations. By the time I finished my coffee at the office on Tuesday morning, Curtis was requesting our address in St. Louis so he could complete the order.
Curtis and Judy, your support is sincerely appreciated. We will ensure the laptop goes to good use. The orphanage director, Dinesh, is excited to have a computer at the house. Thank you again.
To put the contribution in perspective, one must understand the culture. It built on survival. 80% of the population is farmers. The crop is used for substance, not for export. Once KC and I are on the ground, we will be able to elaborate further. A computer allows people to learn a new skill that can lead to a sustainable business and income. Its a big deal. One can imagine that one technical job is equivalent to 20 farming jobs to an income perspective.
To the Murphy's, it was great seeing you. We hope to see you soon.
To the Moore's, we cannot thank you enough.
Molly and Dan, your stories filled Capital Hill with laughter. Our hearts go out to you, we will be thinking about you in the months to come.
To Al and Dan, your hospitality is unprecedented. It was a great weekend. Thanks again.
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