Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Holi (also called Holaka or Phagwa) is an annual Hindu festival celebrated on the day after the full moon in the Hindu month of Phalguna (early March). It celebrates spring, commemorates various events in Hindu mythology and is time of disregarding social norms and indulging in general merrymaking. The central ritual of Holi is the throwing and applying of colored water and powders on friends and family, which gives the holiday its common name "Festival of Colors."

Obviously the children absolutely love this holiday (as did Gordon and I). Everyone ran around the yard with water balloons and water guns, spraying colored water on eachother...which then turned to buckets of colored water poured over heads and handfuls of paint spread across faces.

It was a wonderful day!

The whole gang after hours of fun...not a frown among us.

Saran and Sandeep fill up their water guns with red colored water.

The didis refill our supply of colored water.

Rina, trying to open her water gun package.

Mina as she tries to hit Gordon with a water balloon

Dinesh giving water balloons to a very excited Sabita.

The children, already covered in paint, line up for more supplies.
We'll post a link with more pictures of holi later....there are so many great ones.

1 comment:

T Moore said...

I take a hell of a group photo if I do say so myself. Hope things are coming along for you guys. I still have red dye on my shorts...