Kopila House is located at the old entrance to the main local university. Students pass
Kopila throughout the course of the day. Many stop to watch the children or see what is going on at the house.
Dinesh was contacted by a student who has a radio show on ‘
Pokhara Air’. The student asked if several of the children from the house could join his hour long show. The student brings children on the show on a monthly basis to sing songs and tell jokes.
Babit, Mina and Maya (the four oldest) were selected to be on the air.
Dinesh prepared with the kids beforehand and readied them with songs and jokes.
Babit had learned a joke at home so he would share it with the air waves, the others would be singing songs.
Dinesh, KC and I took the kids to the radio station about a half hour before the show started. You could see the happiness turn to nervousness as we exited the taxi at the station. Mina, the most boisterous of the bunch, was even calmed to only a few words before the program began.
The program commenced with introductions followed by songs and jokes. After a short break, the four children sang the
Kopila House song together. It was followed by another round of jokes and songs for the children. To conclude the program,
Dinesh, KC and I were introduced. KC and I then sang a popular Nepalese folk song with the kids. Needless to say, all the kids did an incredible job. The radio team even spoke with
Dinesh after to see if the kids might be available in the future.
As we entered the house, it erupted. Everyone had huddled around the radio to listen to the show. The
didis and children welcomed the new local stars of
Pokhara Air.

The Fearsome Foursome before going on air (Maya, Mina, Dhiraj and Babit).
Every radio in Pokhara was tuned into 95.8 for the performance.
Dinesh with the kids during one of the breaks.
Dhiraj on the microphone pleasing the people of Pokhara with "Jingle Bells".